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NDIS Services

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NDIS-funded group activities allow participants to develop their skills and participate in community groups. These support services are delivered under the Core Supports budget and can be claimed by a participant, their family or friends, or a registered NDIS service provider.


NDIS group activities are a great way to build community connections, develop friendships, and learn new interests and hobbies. Group activities allow participants to build connections, develop friendships, and learn new skills and hobbies while participating more fully in their community. Our group-based programs also support a range of mental health benefits, including improved mood and self-esteem.


Depending on the activity, participants may experience physical benefits as well. For example, participation in fitness classes or sports can result in increased strength and coordination. Other mental health benefits of group activities include a sense of belonging and increased confidence. This can be particularly beneficial for people with disabilities who may have experienced isolation or loneliness in the past.



Interested to know more? Reach out via email 

Who Can Access our Supports? 

Raven Community Care provides support to any individual who has a permanent diagnosis with a disability. 


Our experienced team provides an extensive range of support under the NDIS. At Raven Community Care we focus on your skills and strengths, rather than the things you aren’t able to do. Using this base, we work with you to find ways to achieve your short-term and long-term goals.


What to expect from Raven Community Care,

  • Experienced and trained support workers.

  • Consistent and friendly support workers.

  • Access to an extensive range of NDIS supports.

  • Support is tailored to your individual needs and preferences.

  • Over 50 combined years of experience delivering support services to the most vulnerable communities. 


To access Raven Community Care's support, you will need to have a current NDIS plan.

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